Investment Portfolios in Today’s Uncertain Times It has been a choppy start to the year and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has only added to the volatility so we wanted to share some of [...]
Located at the foot of the Cascade Range in the heart of Oregon, Bend is a small city that commands a lot of respect within the State. Enveloped by a giant forest of Juniper shrubs and ponderosa [...]
Bend is a beautiful city located in central Oregon along the Deschutes River. Hidden between Pilot Butte to the east and the Cascade Range to the west, the city serves as the de facto metropolis [...]
Q1 2020 Client Letter Dear Ascent Client: We are living through an extraordinary period in history. The impact on our families, communities, and country has been profound. The United States and [...]
CARES ACT passed (Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act) On Friday, March 27th, 2020, Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”). Below is a [...]